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Tamat - Centro Studi Formazione e Ricerca

Tamat is a small NGO, based in the heart of Italy, with strong aspirations that contributes every day to see the changes it believes in, that makes dialogue and the exchange of ideas the basis to always improve. They work to support local organizations, making sure that every person, in every place, could live on their own resources and skills, they contribute to change unjust practices and policies, determined by power relations that create imbalances and inequalities.

Tamat for AwArtMali

Tamat NGO is the coordinator of the project AwArtMali, who ensures proper management activities fulfilment and the smooth proceeding of the work-plan according to contractual obligations. In parallel, it provides continuous assessment of the key criteria and requirements of the project activities. It defines activities, roles and responsibilities of each co-beneficiary for each deliverable and sets deadlines.

Associazione Farneto Teatro

Farneto Teatro is a cultural association whose purpose is the integration between theater, music and visual arts. His fields of intervention are the production of theatrical events inspired by a civil vision of the spectacular event and the cultural enhancement of social spaces full of memory, development of projects related to theatrical pedagogy with a high level of specialization and design and management of cultural projects of public utility.

Farneto Teatro for AwArtMali

For the project AwartMali they will produce an itinerant Theatre play: “A caravan towards Mali”, involving pan-African actors and musicians using local languages, music, dances, masks and local artistic and cultural contents aiming to create a direct relationship with the spectators and touch the collective imagination.

Giusti Eventi

Giusti eventi is a communication and event organization agency founded with the aim of creating communication projects for clients mainly in the third sector, but not only.

Social, environmental and economic sustainability is the basis of the project. They have been working for no-profit for years, bringing the professionalism they need and for profit, bringing values and innovation. In all cases they favor confrontation, sharing and collaboration.

Giusti Eventi for AwArtMali

For the AwArtMali project, they are the heart of the creative working group – involving also a Malian communication agency and other staff from the partnership: their goal is to develop a tailor-made communication strategy and a target oriented campaign, based on the results of a field research aimed at identifying the target audiences and defining brand and message.

Congenia CYL SL

CONGENIA CYL is a Spanish consultancy specialized in integral management and projects development funded by multilateral institutions such as EuropeAid, BID or PNUD in Latin America and Europe. It was founded as a company with international focus, born to support and guide companies in their internationalization projects.

Congenia for AwArtMali

In synergy with the other Spanish partner Instrategies, Congenia supports the involvement of the Malian diaspora and stakeholders in Spain, beside of supporting the identification of business opportunities to help local people to stay in Mali and avoid illegal migration.

Fondazione per le iniziative e lo studio sulla multietnicità - ISMU

ISMU Foundation is an independent scientific corporation, which promotes and carries out studies, research, training courses, projects and dissemination activities on the multi-ethnic and multicultural society, with particular regard to the phenomenon of international migration.

ISMU for AwArtMali

They lead the preparatory research – in collaboration with the Spanish partner Instrategies. The staff involved in the project is working with Italian Diaspora and focusing on Africa migration issues.


Cardet is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental, research and development organization based in Cyprus, with partners around the world. One of the leading institutions in the Euro-Mediterranean region for research and development. They collaborate with local and international organizations, public and private bodies, and across diverse disciplines in designing solutions for local and global challenges.

Cardet for AwArtMali

They are the developers of AwartMali’s project official APP, aiming to keep the target groups informed on real opportunities to sustain socio-economic development in Mali, ensuring them a decent life and explaining how to apply.


Instrategies is a think & do specialized in European and international affairs, focusing on mobility, migration and diversity management. They offer strategic support to institutions, companies and organizations that want to develop policies, strategies and projects related to these fields and optimize their European and international presence.

Instrategies for AwArtMali

In synergy with the other Spanish partner Congenia, Instrategies supports the involvement of the Malian diaspora and stakeholders in Spain, beside of supporting the identification of business opportunities to help local people to stay in Mali. They also have worked with Ismu to complete the preparatory research.


Le Tonus is a non-profit apolitical association, working for literacy, training, micro finance, fight against poverty, sustainable agriculture, environment, natural resource management, promotion of women and gender, support for decentralization, education, promoting youth employment, building community resilience through cluster collaboration.

Le Tonus for AwArtMali

They are the technical partner of the project: they support all the partners during their missions in Mali and help them to identify the most appropriate tools for the campaign, according to previous needs analysis and partnership experiences in the country.

The involvement of the local NGO Le Tonus makes easier to exploit outputs/results, once the project ends, not only at partnership level but at target groups’ level too, as they are currently working on socio-economic development projects and awareness projects, too.